
Новости переводов

24 марта, 2014

Nova praznična voščila s prevodom v projektu HappyGreetings.ru

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Izredni dogodek

Глоссарий по проходческим щитам (тоннелингу)
  1. Nenaden, nepričakovan dogodek, ki zahteva takojšnje ukrepanje zaradi potencialnega ogrožanja zdravja in varnosti, okolja ali premoženja.

  2. Nenavaden ali nenačrtovan dogodek, ki negativno vpliva na delovanje predora in njegovo varnost (vključno z nesrečami)

Emergency, английский
  1. Incident requiring urgent action. the incident might involve death or serious injury, health or safety effects, significant damage to property or infrastructure, significant train service disruption, or environmental impact.

  2. Аварийная обстановка; аварийный

  3. Чрезвычайная ситуация

  4. A situation where urgent immediate action has to be taken

  5. Непредвиденная ситуация

  6. Авария

  7. Imminent want in difficult circumstances.

  8. Аварийная ситуация; авария; выход из строя

  9. Sudden, unexpected event requiring immediate action owing to potential threats to health and safety, the environment, or property.

Incident, английский
  1. Any breach of procedures and quality failures which could or does result in: impairment of rail system safety; harm to employees, contractors or members of the public; the quality of service delivered to a customer (internal or external) being below what was expressed or agreed or understood; loss of, or damage to, property or the environment; breach of security. any unplanned and/or undesired event which results in or has the potential to result in injury, ill-health, damage to or loss of property, interruption to operations or environmental impairment. an incident includes a near miss, breach of procedure, quality failure and/or injuries to contractors and members of the public. examples of incidents include (but are not restricted to) all injuries, safeworking irregularities/breach, signal irregularities, sticking brakes, load shifts, train parting, skidded/scaled wheels, terminal load lifting incidents and train documentation errors.

  2. Инцидент, происшествие с благополучным исходом

  3. Смежный; инцидентный

  4. An unexpected occurrence, which could lead to an

  5. A way of tracking any event that is not part of the standard operation of a service and that causes, or may cause, an interruption to, or a reduction in, the quality of that service.

  6. Abnormal and unplanned event (including accidents) adversely affecting tunnel operations and safety.

  7. An unplanned, uncontrolled event which, under different circumstances, could have resulted in an accident.

Dogodek, словенский
    Pojav ali sprememba posebne množice okoliščin.

Izhod v sili, словенский
    Izhod, ki vodi do zaščitene poti ali varnega prostora/mesta.

Predor z vmesno ploščo, словенский
    Enocevni predor z voziščem v dveh etažah.