
Новости переводов

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

22 ноября, 2023

Proofreading of English text

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


  1. Random access memory. an electronic chip, usually known as "memory", holding digital information while there is power applied to it. its capacity is measured in kilobytes.

  2. Random-access memory.the memory of a computer which can be read and written into at any location without passing through preceding locations.

  3. Reform the afp movement (tagalog

  4. Random access memory

  5. Скоростной напор; динамический (о давлении)

  6. Radar absorbing material

  7. Radio attenuation measurements

  8. Rapid area maintenance

  9. Research aviation medicine

  10. Revenue aircraft-miles

  11. Review and authorization meeting

  12. 1. a weapon consisting of an underwater prolongation of the bow of a vessel to form an armored beak, intended to be driven into the hull of an enemy vessel in order to puncture the hull and disable or sink that vessel.

  13. Random access memory . the most common type of computer memory; where the cpu stores software, programs, and data currently being used. is usually volatile memory, meaning that when the computer is turned off, crashes, or loses power, the contents of the memory are lost. a large amount of usually offers faster manipulation or faster background processing.

  14. Random-access memory. a volatile memory used by a computer`s central processing unit as a chalkboard for writing and reading information. is measured in multiples of 4096 bytes (4k bytes), and serves as a rough measurement of a computer`s capacity.

  15. (random access memory). the most common type of computer memory where the cpu stores software, programs, and data currently being used. ram is usually volatile memory, meaning that when the computer is turned off, crashes, or loses power, the contents of the memory are lost. more ram usually means faster manipulation or faster background processing.

  16. A long spar, iron-hooped at the ends, used for driving out blocks from beneath a

  17. [1] a heavy bronze-reinforced timber projecting from the front of a wooden galley in order to pierce the hull of an opponent. [2] a similar armored projection at the bow of a steel warship. [3] a ramequipped warship. [4] to attack with a ram. [5] a hydraulic device used to apply heavy pressure. [6] the dangerous underwater projection of an iceberg or ice cliff. [7] to use a rammer.

  18. [1] radar absorbent material (substance that changes radar waves into small electromagnetic fields and reduces the radar image). [2] random access memory (the most common type of computer memory).

  19. Озу; оперативная память; память с произвольным доступом

  20. An acronym for random access memory, memory that can be read from and written to (as opposed to rom). data stored in ram is lost when the power is turned off.

  21. See: reverse-annuity mortgage

  22. (random access memory) the computer or printer’s temporary place for storing data. when the computer or printer is turned off, the information in ram is erased.

  23. Reservation agent manual (yy)

  24. Responsibility assignments matrix

  25. Revenue accounting and management system

Ram, английский

Ram, английский

Random access memory, английский
  1. Telecom glossary

  2. Память [запоминающее устройство] с произвольной выборкой

  3. The temporary storage area the computer uses to run programs and store data. information stored in ram is temporary and is designed to be erased when the computer is turned off.

Ram, английский

Зу с произвольной выборкой, зупв; оперативная память; оперативное зу, озу, русский

Radar-absorbing material, английский

Материал, поглощающий излучение рлс, либо, русский

Оперативная, русский

Reform the afp movement (tagalog, английский

Radar absorbing material, английский
    Материал для противорадиолокационных покрытий

Radio attenuation measurements, английский
    Программа исследования влияния плазменных образований на радиосвязь возвращаемых кла с землей

Rapid area maintenance, английский
    Ускоренное обслуживание и ремонт авиационной техники в районе боевых действий

Research aviation medicine, английский
    Программа исследования медицинских проблем полетов воздушно- космических аппаратов с экипажем

Revenue aircraft-miles, английский
    Коммерческих [доходных] самолето-миль

Review and authorization meeting, английский
    Совещание по рассмотрению и одобрению

Таран (подводный ледяной выступ от ледяной стены, барьера, айсберга или льдины), русский

Вертикальнофрезерный, русский

Гидравлический цилиндр, русский

Баба (молота), плунжер (пресса), русский
    Движущаяся или падающая часть гравитационного молота или пресса, к которой крепится верхний штамп или боек. иногда крепится верхний плоский боек парового молота.

Подводный выступ, русский

Electronic, английский
  1. Associates, incorporated фирма «электроник ассо- шиитс инкорпорейтед»

  2. Communications, incorporated фирма «электронике комьюникейшнз инкорпорейтед»

  3. Devices, incorporated фирма «электроник дивайсиз :ин- корпорейтед»

  4. Электронный

  5. [emergency] locator transmitter аварийный радиомаяк

  6. One of the music genres that appears under genre classification in windows media player library. based on id3 standard tagging format for mp3 audio files. id3v1 genre id # 52.

Information, английский
  1. Knowledge of a particular event or situation, or knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact.

  2. Информация

  3. Facts about something  have you any information about the treatment of sunburn?  the police won’t give us any information about how the accident happened.  you haven’t given me enough information about when your symptoms started.  that’s a very useful piece or bit of information. (note: no plural: some information; a piece of information.)

  4. N информация | attr. информационный flow, structure source of ~ источник информации 1 ранее использовался в более широком значении как ‘умозаключе- ние’. 2 получение выводных данных в процессе обработки информации и/или языка и само выводное знание, умозаключение; мыслительная операция, в ходе которой человек выходит за пределы данных в тек- сте сведений и получает новую информацию. 3 аффикс, вставляемый внутрь корня слова при словообразовании или словоизменении.

  5. In admiralty courts, implies a clause introduced into a citation, intimating that in the event of a party cited not appearing, the court will proceed in his absence.

  6. Информация; данные; сведения

  7. Координационный комитет ин4юрмации о проектируемых и возводимых объектах строительства

  8. Literally that which forms within, but more adequately

  9. Data that has been recorded, classified, organized, related or interpreted so that meaning is apparent.

  10. Contextualised data providing answer to a certain question decreasing uncertainty.

  11. Информация, сведения

Скоростной, русский

Динамический, русский
    Движущийся с высокой скоростью. испытание металлических образцов с высокой скоростью.

Attenuation, английский
  1. The decrease in magnitude of a signal, as it travels through a medium. used to describe signal loss in a transmission system. measured in decibels (db).

  2. Поглощение

  3. Зависимость снижения мощности сигнала от расстояния. для оптоволоконных кабелей обычно выражается в дб/км

  4. In general terms, a reduction in signal strength.

  5. The decrease in magnitude of a wave, or a signal, as it travels through a medium or

  6. The difference between transmitted and received power due to loss through equipment, lines, or other transmission devices; usually expressed in decibels. the loss in power of electromagnetic signals between transmission and reception points.

  7. The decrease in magnitude of a wave, or a signal, as it travels through a medium or an electric system. it is measured in decibels (db).

  8. The loss of optical power, whether caused intrinsically (absorption, scattering, microbends, etc.), or extrinsically by components (connectors, splices, splitters, etc)

  9. The decrease in radiation energy (power) as a beam passes through an absorbing or scattering medium.

  10. Reduction of signal magnitude, or loss, normally measured in decibels. fiber attenuation is normally measured per unit length in decibels per kilometer. the decrease in signal strength along a fiber optic waveguide caused by absorption and scattering. attenuation is usually expressed in db/km.

  11. A reduction in the effect or strength of something such as a virus, either because of environmental conditions or as a result of a laboratory procedure

  12. Ослабление

  13. Ослабление (затухание). уменьшение количества радиации при ее прохождении через вещество в результате всех видов взаимодействия с этим веществом. ослабление обычно не связано с уменьшением геометрических размеров (мос, 5). ослабление солнечной радиации — потеря энергии световым лучом при его прохождении через атмосферу земли. потеря энергии обусловлена рассеянием света молекулами воздуха, селективной абсорбцией молекулами определенных веществ и рассеянием света аэрозолями (вмо).

  14. The weakening of a transmitted signal, such as the distortion of a digital signal or the reduction in amplitude of an electrical signal. attenuation is usually measured in decibels and is sometimes desirable, as when signal strength is reduced electronically, for example, by a radio volume control, to prevent overloading.

  15. The weakening of a transmitted signal, such as the reduction in the brightness of light, as it travels farther from its source.

  16. Regulatory system of prokaryotes whereby secondary stem-loop structures formed within the 5’ end of an mrna being transcribed determine both if transcription to complete the synthesis of this mrna will occur and if this mrna will be used for translation

  17. Decrease in transmitted energy intensity over distance. the loss may be due to absorption, scattering, reflection, leakage, beam divergence, or other material effects.

  18. Снижение интенсивности передаваемой энергии на расстоянии. потери могут быть вызваны поглощением, рассеянием, отражением, утечкой, расходимостью луча или другими материальными эффектами.

  19. Decrease in signal magnitude during energy transmission from one point to another. this loss may be caused by absorption, reflection, scattering of energy or other material characteristics or may be caused by an electronic or optical device such as an attenuator.1

  20. (1) decrease in energy or signal magnitude in transmission from one point to another. can be expressed in decibels or as a scalar ratio of the input magnitude to the output magnitude.16 (2) change in signal strength caused by an electronic device such as an attenuator. (3) decrease in intensity caused by absorption, leakage, reflection, scattering or other material characteristics. see also neper.

  21. (1) decrease in acoustic energy over distance. this loss may be caused by absorption, leakage, reflection, scattering or other material characteristics. (2) decrease in signal amplitude caused by acoustic energy loss or by an electronic device such as an attenuator.10,16,21

Maintenance, английский
  1. Entretien

  2. Техническое обслуживание (и текущий ремонт)

  3. Техническое обслуживание

  4. Поддержание; обслуживание; уход за оборудованием; техническое обслуживание и ремонт

  5. Профилактическое техническое обслуживание, обслуживание связанное с испытаниями, осмо- профилактика трами, чисткой, наладкой, регу-

  6. Regular servicing of all system components by the manufacturer

  7. Техническое обслуживание и ремонт. деятельность по поддержанию таких объектов, как оборудование, машины или измерительная аппаратура, в рабо-чем состоянии путем проведения регулярных проверок и выполнения необходимых ремонтных работ [15].

  8. The process of taking measures to ensure that a hardware, software, or database system is functioning properly and is up to date.

  9. Техническое обслуживание и ремонт. деятельность по поддержанию таких объектов, как оборудование, машины или измерительная аппаратура, в рабочем состоянии путем проведения регулярных проверок и выполнения необходимых ремонтных работ [15].

  10. Appropriate ongoing adjustments to security holder records.

  11. Ведение (счета)

  12. It`s tempting to take "maintain" and just attach the suffix "ance." there`s a "ten" in there instead of a "tain." just memorize this sentence: "i have to do it ten times for proper maintenance."

Authorization, английский
  1. Разрешение пользователю доступа к ресурсам сети

  2. Процесс в результате которого происходит проверка наличия денежных средств на счету владельца карты, при котором получается разрешение от банка-эмитента на осуществление операций с использованием платежной карточки. успешная авторизация значит, что денежн

  3. Разрешение; выдача разрешения

  4. Лицензия, официальное разрешение. authorized person: уполномоченное лицо.

  5. Утверждение, уполномочивание. процесс одобрения персонала или методик для использования в работе лаборатории сотрудниками надлежащей квалификации.

  6. A workflow with activities that must be completed before the approval or validation request is committed to the database.

  7. The process of granting a person, computer process, or device access to certain information, services or functionality. authorization is derived from the identity of the person, computer process, or device requesting access, which is verified through authentication.

Underwater, английский
  1. Подводный

  2. Below the surface, submerged.

Prolongation, английский

Random interlace, английский
  1. A term describing a camera that has a free running horizontal sync as opposed to a 2:1 interlace type which has the sync locked and therefore has both fields in a frame interlocked together accurately.

  2. A method of combining two fields to make one frame where strict timing is not a requirement.

Raid, английский
  1. Redundant arrays of independent disks. this a technology of connecting a number of hard drives into one mass storage device, which can be used, among other things, for digital recording of video images.

  2. Redundant array of independent disks: used for organizing two or more hard disks as if they were one drive. on such a drive data is shared or replicated. this is used to achieve greater capacity, reliability, and speed.

  3. Redundant array of inexpensive disks

  4. An operation to temporarily seize an area in order to secure information, confuse an adversary, capture personnel or equipment, or to destroy a capability. the raid ends with a planned withdrawal.

  5. Массив резервных недорогих дисков; группа дисков, работающих как единое устройство; блок дисков с избыточностью информации; дисковый массив