
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Category relationship

Глоссарий ИТ-терминов
    The association of one product with another product or category. category relationships have names, a description, and a target.

Category, английский
  1. Рубрика

  2. Категория

  3. A classification, the way in which things can be classified  his condition is of a non-urgent category.

  4. N категория; sub-~ субкате- гория module, symbol conceptual ~ понятийная категория covert ~ скрытая категория 1 соединение противоречивых понятий, употребление слова не в со- ответствии с его этимологическим значением: blind mouths. 2 элемент в тексте, относящийся к последующей информации. 3 в узком смысле – подведение явления, объекта, процесса и т.п. под определённую рубрику опыта, категорию и признание его членом этой категории; в широком смысле – процесс образования и выделения самих категорий, членения внешнего и внутреннего мира человека сообразно сущностным характеристикам его функционирования и бытия, упорядоченное представление разнообразных явлений через сведение их к меньшему числу разрядов или объединений и т.п.; ре- зультат классификационной деятельности. empty c~ principle уис правила, по которым оценивается правильность управления сле- дами в s-структуре и lf generic ~ родовая категория grammatical ~ грамматическая категория lexemic ~ лексемная категория major ~ главная категория selective ~ избирательная (селективная) кате- гория specific ~ специфическая категория syntactic ~ синтаксическия категория taxonomic ~ таксономическая категория word ~ словесная категория catenative verb

  5. Категория; класс

  6. Категория; разряд; класс

  7. Either (a) the name given to a class of things, processes or relationships which appear to be sufficiently similar and frequent so as to render a uniform predication of its members useful or (b) the class itself. categories are the backbone of qualitative descriptions in the social sciences where a set of unordered but mutually exclusive categories is called a nominal scale (->measurement, ->variable). causality or causation

  8. A classification for grouping content by user-defined criteria such as page contents, file types, or a similar distinction.

  9. A classifier used to group parties, locations, products, and activities.

  10. A classifier, designation, or division of objects that share a common property.

  11. A container for products or sub-categories. each category is an individual instance of a category definition.

  12. A custom grouping used to organize your data and to create customized reports.

  13. A keyword or description used to identify groups of related items.

  14. A keyword or phrase with an associated color that helps you keep track of items, such as messages, contacts, and appointments. you can use color categories to easily find, sort, filter, or group items.

  15. A tab-like navigation link that provides access between different sections of information within the options dialog box.

  16. A ui element that a user can click on to associate categories with an appointment.

  17. In the alerts workspace, an item in the navigation pane.

Category (e.g. cat-5 cable), английский

Category (ам. стандарт), английский
    Перечень параметров электропроводной линии / канала, определяемый американскими стандартами.

Category 5 enhanced cabling system, английский

Category 5e, английский
    Category 5 (cat5) cable is a popular twisted pair copper cable. it is used for ethernet cable applications. category 5e (cat5e) can support short-run gigabit ethernet (1000 mbps) networking, unlike cat5 which supports fast ethernet (100 mbps).

Category a, английский
    A definition in the imc2000 contract for the labour of staff who go out onto the track and work directly on the network asset infrastructure. there are three categories – permanent way (railway line), signalling and telecommunication (signalling and telecommunication systems) and electrification (overhead line, third rail and power distribution system).

Category a non productive time, английский
    The time spent by category a labour on activities associated with carrying out work. there are five categories in ellipse – travel time, train related delays, weather and environment delays, safety set up and equipment delays and failures.

Category a productive hours, английский
    A definition in the imc2000 contract for the time spent carrying out work on a network asset. this time is recorded using the ellipse labour costing function. it is also known as “time on tools”.

Category a spad, английский
    Any spad when a stop aspect or indication (and any associated preceding indications) was displayed correctly, in sufficient time for a train to be stopped safely at the signal.

Category axis, английский
  1. Ось категорий

  2. A chart axis that represents the category for each data point. it displays arbitrary text values like qtr1, qtr2, and qtr3; it cannot display scaled numerical values.

Category b, английский
    A definition in the imc2000 contract for the time spent on activities that support the work of the category a staff. examples – supervision, timekeeping and store keeping.

Category b spad, английский
    Any spad when a stop aspect was displayed because: signalling or level crossing equipment had failed or malfunctioned, or it was returned to danger in error.

Category catalog, английский
    A collection of category items that are used only for purchase requisitions.

Category definition, английский
    The properties that are available in a particular type of category. one category definition may be used for many categories.

Category explorer, английский
    A window that displays a list of all the elements in the space plan, grouped by category. it provides a way to view the resources in the drawing by category.

Category field, английский
    A field that is displayed in the category area of pivotchart view. items in a category field appear as labels on the category axis.

Category hierarchy, английский
    A structure that orders categories using a superordinatesubordinate relationship.

Category ii testing, английский

Category item, английский
    A general, nonspecific item that is registered in the system but typically not stocked and often consumed immediately. a category item is used in purchase requisitions when users cannot find a suitable item in a product catalog or by searching all items. a category item must be associated with a product category.

Category matching, английский

Category name, английский
    Имя категории

Association, английский
  1. Ассоциация, объединение, союз

  2. Two variables are associated if some of the variability of one can be accounted for by the other. in a scatterplot of the two variables, if the scatter in the values of the variable plotted on the vertical axis is smaller in narrow ranges of the variable plotted on the horizontal axis (i.e., in vertical "slices") than it is overall, the two variables are associated. the correlation coefficient is a measure of linear association, which is a special case of association in which large values of one variable tend to occur with large values of the other, and small values of one tend to occur with small values of the other (positive association), or in which large values of one tend to occur with small values of the other, and vice versa (negative association).

  3. N когн. ассоциация1

  4. Американская ассоциация производителей метизов [скобяных изделий]

  5. Американская ассоциация специалистов по антисептированию древесины

  6. Ассоциация (производителей) акустических и теплоизоляционных материалов

  7. Ассоциация изготовителей архитектурных алюминиевых изделий

  8. Ассоциация изготовителей конструктивных элементов из фибро- бетона

  9. Ассоциация изготовителей рулонных кровельных материалов на основе битума

  10. Ассоциация изготовителей стеклопакетов

  11. Ассоциация изготовителей строительных материалов и изделий

  12. Ассоциация изготовителей строительных метизов [крепёжных деталей] впп brinell hardness number твёрдость по бринеллю

  13. Ассоциация изготовителей теплоизоляционных материалов и изделий

  14. Ассоциация инженеров по подъёмно-транспортному оборудованию

  15. Ассоциация по научным исследованиям и технической информации в области строительства

  16. Ассоциация производителей изделий из ячеистого бетона автоклавного твердения

  17. Ассоциация производителей просечно-вытяжных металлических изделий

  18. Ассоциация специалистов по исследованию и совершенствованию деревянных конструкций

  19. Британская ассоциация (изготовителей) товарного бетона

  20. Национальная ассоциация (технического персонала) карьеров строительного гранита

  21. Национальная ассоциация изготовителей деревянных (строительных) изделий оа overall габаритный (размер) о/a on approval на утверждении (о проекте и тд )

  22. Национальная ассоциация изготовителей дубовых изделий для покрытия пола (сша)

  23. Национальная ассоциация по сборному железобетону (сша)

  24. Национальная ассоциация подрядчиков по выполнению теплоизоляционных работ (сша)

  25. Национальная ассоциация подрядчиков по устройству кровель

  26. Национальная ассоциация подрядчиков по устройству настилов покрытий зданий (сша)

  27. Национальная ассоциация поставщиков товарного бетона

  28. Национальная ассоциация производителей изделий из лесоматериалов nibs 1. national institute of building

  29. Национальная ассоциация производителей пиломатериалов

  30. Национальная ассоциация субподрядных организаций по установке оконных и дверных заполнений (сша)

  31. In psychology, the cognitive connection between two or more concepts or ideas such that the presence of one tends to evoke the others. in sociology, the process by which people become allied to one another and form groups as the result of such alliances. in statistics, the cooccurance of two or more events with a probability above what would be expected by chance. dissociation is the logical complement of the statistical concept of association.

  32. A relationship between peer objects.

  33. In performancepoint planning business modeler, the relationship between a source model and a destination model for the purpose of manipulating the arrangement of interpretive data and aggregating the corresponding numerical measurements.

  34. The definition of a relationship between entity types.

  35. The link between a collection and a deployment.

  36. The mapping of a file extension (for example, .mp3) or protocol (for example, http) to a programmatic identifier (progid). this mapping is stored in the registry as a per-user setting with a per-computer fallback. applications that participate in the default programs system set the association mapping for the file extension or protocol to point to the progid keys that they own.

  37. The state of being totally connected to, or experiencing, an event, mental or external. the opposite is dissociation (sometimes, disassociation), which is being an objective observer.

Relationships, английский
    The lifestyle subcategory containing apps to help you with your personal relationships.

Description, английский
  1. Описание

  2. Описание (примеров осуществления изобретения)

  3. N описание phonetic ~ фонетическое описание sensory-based ~ псхл. описание, основанное на восприятиях structural ~ структурное описание

  4. Описание; характеристика description formописательная форма

  5. Описание; характеристика; обозначение

  6. Part of a patent application or specification. discloses the invention as claimed, specifies the technical field to which the invention relates and indicates any prior art the applicant is aware of.

Relationship, английский
  1. Отношение: соотношение; связь; взаимоотношение; взаимосвязь

  2. Отношение, степень родства

  3. A way in which someone or something is connected to another  the incidence of the disease has a close relationship to the environment.  he became withdrawn and broke off all relationships with his family.

  4. Зависимость, соотношение

  5. A connection between objects.

  6. A logical connection between entities.

  7. A smartart graphic layout type that includes layouts designed to illustrate connections.

  8. An association established between common fields (columns) in two tables. a relationship can be one-to-one, many-to-many, or one-to-many.

Doing business as ( adverb ), английский
    The assumed, fictitious name under which an organization is registered in the united states.

File mapping, английский
    The association of a file’s contents with a portion of the virtual address space of a process.