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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Hold crew

Морской словарь
    Longshoremen working in the ship’s hold rather than ashore.

Crew, английский
  1. Chief`s junction box пульт командира огневой секции

  2. Экипаж

  3. 1. on warships and merchant ships, those members of a ship`s company who are not officers

  4. The personnel engaged on board ship, excluding the master and officers and the passengers on passenger ships.

  5. Besides the skipper, anyone on board whom helps run the boat. cunningham. a line running through a grommet a short distance above the tack of the mainsail which is used to tension the luff of the main.

  6. Экипаж, команда

  7. Comprehends every officer and man on board ship, borne as complement on the books. there are in ships of war several particular crews or gangs, as the gunner`s, carpenter`s, sail-maker`s, blacksmith`s, armourer`s, and cooper`s crews.

  8. Away, hey, yah!

  9. Jean-francois! “long-haul” chanteys were sung when the job was expected to be a prolonged. usually the crew would only pull at the second response, thus giving themselves a brief rest between hauls. for example:

  10. Away, rio

  11. And we’re bound for the rio grande. away rio. away rio chain 68

  12. And we’re bound for the rio grande

  13. [1] the group of sailors who work a ship, excluding its captain or master. in this sense the term applies mainly to merchantmen, the preferred naval term being ship’s company or (informally) the troops. [2] a group detailed to specific duty such as gun crew or boat crew. [3] the personnel of an aircraft.

Crew, английский
    The staff of a train consist. for example, a crew is one train driver and a guard for suburban train services.

Crew, английский

Crew, английский

Crew, английский

Crew, английский

Crew (hauling), английский
    Away, hey, blow the man down

Crew (resting), английский
    Oh, gimme some time to blow the man down. the other important working chanteys were “stompand- go” (also “stamp-and-go”) songs, to be sung while walking steadily around the capstan. because there was no hauling to be timed, the crew sometimes sang a short chorus as well as calls-and-responses:

Crew base daytime, английский

Crew base daytime (night time), английский

Crew change, английский

Crew chief, английский
    Бригадир бригады по ремонту скважин

Crew compartment, английский
    An area on a train where train crews perform their duties.

Crew duty time, английский

Crew environment requirements, английский
    Требования к условиям, воздействующим на экипаж

Crew escape system, английский
    Система аварийного спасения экипажа

Crew evaluation launcher, английский
    Пусковая установка для испытаний аппаратов с экипажем

Crew leader, английский

Crew list, английский
  1. List prepared by the master of a ship showing the full names, nationality, passport or discharge book number, rank and age of every officer and crew member engaged on board that ship. this serves as one of the essential ship`s documents which is always requested to be presented and handed over to the customs and immigration authorities when they board the vessel on arrival.

  2. Судовая роль - список членов экипажа с указанием даты рождения, номера загранпаспорта, национальности и роли на борту

Crew list, muster-roll, английский

Crew loader, английский

Hold fast, английский
    [1] to attach firmly. [2] to stop an operation, to belay it. [3] to refuse to surrender a military position. [4] to refuse to abandon an idea or concept. no to be confused with holdfast.

Hold captain, английский
    The person responsible for tactical loading and unloading of a ship’s cargo hold during an amphibious operation.