
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Glossary of Diseases and Symptoms (Italiano-Inglese)
  1. A lack of activity in the body or mind

  2. Инерция

  3. The passive principle by which bodies persist in a state of motion or rest, and resist as much as they are resisted. (see vis inerti?.)

  4. Resistance to change. oppose acceleration when acted upon. inertia of matter. the property of a system to e.g, mass is a measure of the inf08matik (informatics)

Inerzia , итальянский

Инерция, русский
  1. Инерция , бездействие, лень, покой

  2. – см. масса.

  3. , то же, что инертность.

Инерционные параметры, русский

Момент инерции, русский
    , величина, характеризующая распределение масс в теле и являющаяся наряду с массой мерой инертности тела при непоступат. движении. различают осевые и центробежные моменты инерции. осевой момент инерции равен сумме произведений масс mi всех элементов тела на квадраты их расстояний hi от оси z, относительно которой он вычисляется, т. е. центробежным моментом инерции относительно системы прямоугольных осей x, y, z называются величины(или соответствующие объемные интегралы). они характеризуют динамическую неуравновешенность масс.

Безынерционный, русский

Инерционный, русский

Инерции, русский

Resistance, английский
  1. Property of a conductor that opposed the current flow produced by a given difference of potential. the ohm is the practical unit of resistance.

  2. Уровень сопротивления - уровень цен, при котором активные продажи могут приостановить или развернуть тенденцию к повышению;

  3. Сопротивление (параметр)

  4. Сопротивление

  5. Сопротивление, т. е. уровень цен, при котором активные продажи могут приостановить или развернуть тенденцию к повышению.

  6. 1. the ability of a person not to get a disease 2. the ability of bacteria or a virus to remain unaffected by a drug  the bacteria have developed a resistance to certain antibiotics. 3. opposition to a force

  7. Resistencia

  8. Устойчивость; резистентность resource for child health (reach)

  9. Устойчивость; резистентность

  10. The property of opposing movement, for example [1] electrical conductors offer resistance to the flow of electricity and dissipate some of its energy, usually as heat. [2] water resists the movement of vessels or other objects by parasitic drag, consuming some of the power available to drive the vessel forward.

  11. Imperviousness of the coating to mechanical, chemi­cal, physical or weather influences

  12. Capacity of a member or component, or a cross-section of a member or component of a structure, to withstand actions without mechanical failure e.g. bending resistance, buckling resistance, tension resistance

  13. A material’s ability to restrict the flow of electrical current through itself. measured in ohms.

  14. The opposition of a circuit to the flow of current . resistance is measured in ohms, and can be calculated by dividing the voltage by current.

  15. The ability to impede (resist) the flow of electric current. with the exception of superconductors, all substances have a greater or lesser degree of resistance. substances with very low resistance, such as metals, conduct electricity well and are called conductors. substances with very high resistance, such as glass and rubber, conduct electricity poorly and are called nonconductors or insulators.

  16. An effective upper bound on prices achieved because of many willing sellers at that price level.

  17. Capacity of a component, or cross section of a component of a structure to

  18. The opposition to the flow of an electrical current through a conductor or circuit that does not include inductive or capacitive elements. it can be expressed as the ratio of the applied voltage to the current.

  19. Resistance is the opposition to the flow of an electrical current through a conductor. its unit is the ohm.

Acceleration, шведский

Informatics, английский

Infarto anemico , итальянский

Inerzia , итальянский