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Популярные языки в переводах за апрель 2024 года

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Глоссарий по геологии, тектонике, геофизике и минералогии

    Overlap, английский
    1. A section of track on the departure side of a limit of authority, which must be clear, before a train can be authorised to pass the previous limit of authority in order to provide a margin of safety.

    2. When a winger moves away from the sideline towards the center of the field to create space for a teammate to advance the ball undefended along the side of the field.

    3. Частично совпадать; дублировать; частично перекрываться; переплетаться

    4. N совпадение partial ~ частичное совпадение overlapping n перекрещивание 7 характерный для языка порядок слов в предложении. 8 русскому термину «орфография» ближе более конкретное spelling; более общее понятие orthography объединяет в себе как правописание – орфографию в русской лингвистической традиции – так и пун- ктуацию. 9 выход за границы применения некоторого правила. overt 67 paronymous partial ~ частичное перекрещивание

    5. A designation of the hatches of a ship; planks in clinch-built boats. points of land overlap a harbour`s mouth at a particular bearing.—to overlap, to fay upon.

    6. The lineal portion of a borehole that must be redrilled subsequent to caving of the hole, the cementing of a section of the hole, or the bypassing of unrecoverable material in the hole.

    7. The lineal portion of a branch hole that nearly parallels the parent hole.

    8. In fuzzy logic, the overlap of a fuzzy set a is the fuzzy union of set a with its complement b. in classical set theory, this union would define the universe. in fuzzy logic it is simply the fuzzy set defined by the elementwise maximums of the membership function m(a, x) and (1-m(a, x)). see also: fuzzy logic, membership function, underlap.

    9. A general term referring to the extension o f rock strata beyond underlying rocks whose edges are thereby concealed or “overlapped.” the term is often used in the sense o f both onlap and overstep. swain (1949, p. 634) urges abandonment o f the term.

    10. A method of scheduling production so that one operation begins at one work center while another operation is still incomplete at another work center.

    11. To extend over and cover a part of something.

    12. Перекрытие геометрическая характеристика управляющих отверстий клапана

    13. See valve overlap. overrider (us

    14. Protrusion of weld metal beyond the bond at the toe of the weld.

    15. The safe braking distance beyond a signal provided in case the train fails to stop at the signal when it is showing a danger aspect.

    16. The distance beyond a stop signal which must be clear before a train can normally be allowed to approach the signal.

    Стратиграфическая ширина сброса, русский

    Сторонник теории материкового оледе, русский