
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

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Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

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About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Ranging system

Глоссарий по геодезии

    Дальномерная система, русский

    Rang, английский

    Rang, шведский

    Rang;assise, французский

    Ranga, английский
      Anyone with orange hair--derived from orangutan, the primate with orange hair. example lucille ball was probably the most famous ranga of all.

    Rangdang, английский

    Range, английский
    1. The interval between the lower and upper measuring limits of an instrument e.g., a thermometer with a range of -35° to 50° c (compare to span).

    2. Область. зона. широта распределения.

    3. Состояние рынка при котором цены двигаются в коридоре между; горизонтальными уровнями поддержки и сопротивления;

    4. The range of a set of numbers is the largest value in the set minus the smallest value in the set. note that as a statistical term, the range is a single number, not a range of numbers.

    5. Дальность; полигон

    6. Диапазон, т. е. высшие и низшие фактические цены прода¬жи данной продукции в течение данного периода. это также называет¬ся разбросом цен.

    7. Общий размер (колебаний); амплитуда (колебаний); (разность между максимальным и минимальным членами ряда); ряд; ассортимент; номенклатура

    8. 1. a series of different but similar things  the drug offers protection against a wide range of diseases.  doctors have a range of drugs which can be used to treat arthritis. 2. the difference between lowest and highest values in a series of data

    9. Rango

    10. Область, диапазон, интервал

    11. N сфера

    12. Диапазон; интервал; область распространения

    13. Диапазон. числовая разница между наибольшим и наименьшим значениями.

    14. К повороту оверштаг приготовиться

    15. The alignment of two objects that indicate the middle of a channel.

    16. Placed in a line or row; a term hydrographically applied to hills, as “the coast-range.” also, galley-range, or fire-grate.

    17. [1] the distance to a target or object. [2] the horizontal distance at which something can be effective (range of fire, range of sight). [3] an area designated for target practice. [4] the distance a powered vessel can travel without refueling. [5] to organize the placement of aircraft on a flight deck. [6] to lay out anchor cable or another rope. [7] to follow a course parallel to the shore. [8] to swerve or sheer while anchored. [9] the difference between consecutive high and low tides. [10] a heavy two-armed cleat in the waist of a sailing ship. [11] to come alongside without making physical contact.

    18. An orderly arrangement or family of diamond-drill fittings, such as casing, core barrels, drill rods, etc., with diameters appropriately related to each other and intended to be used together. ranges commonly are designated by letter names, using letters such as e, a, b, and n individually or as the first letter in two- and three-letter names. see appendix, table 1; compare design, group.

    19. Зона обслуживания

    20. Дальность. см. meteorological optical range — метео^ рологическая оптическая дальность. `

    21. The high and low prices, or high and low bids and offers, recorded during a specified time.

    22. In ultrasonic testing, the maximum path length displayed. see also sweep length.

    23. Maximum ultrasonic path length that is displayed.7 see also sweep length.22

    24. The difference between the most and least

    25. The difference between the most and least the amount covered, or the amount of difference (for example, a “salary range” is the difference between the lowest and highest amount paid for a particular job)

    Range, английский

    Range, английский

    Range, испанский

    Range (to aiming) point, английский
      Расстояние до точки прицеливания

    Range (ut), английский
      The maximum ultrasonic path length that can be displayed; see sweep.

    Range (working range, calibration range), английский
      Диапазон (рабочий диапазон, калибровочный диапазон). интервал концентрации, в котором может быть обеспечена приемлемая точность и прецизионность [24]. в статистике это означает разность между минимальным и максимальным значениями множества результатов измерений [16].

    Range -, английский
      Надплитный вытяжной зонт

    Range a termine, итальянский
      E un`operazione effettuata sul mercato dei cambi tramite la combinazione di acquisti di valuta e di opzioni sulla stessa, che permette di trarre un profitto dalle oscillazioni di cambio comprese o esterne ai due estremi di un intervallo di prezzi.

    Range and azimuth only, английский
      Управляемая авиационная бомба «разон»

    Range and elevation guidance for approach and, английский
      Landing система всепогодной посадки с управлением по дальности и углу места

    Range and range rate, английский
      См • rarr

    Range beacons, английский
      Two or more beacons lined up with the taller behind the shorter to indicate a safe course to follow. called leading marks in britain and (sometimes) range lights in the usa.

    Range change, английский

    Range change method, английский
      Метод определения местоположения (ла) путем измерения приращений дальности

    Range chart, английский
      A type of chart that displays a set of data points that are each defined by multiple values for the same category. values are represented by the height of the marker as measured by the value axis. category labels are displayed on the category axis. the plain range chart fills in the area between the top and bottom value for each data point.

    Дальномерная система, русский

    Дальномер двойного изображения также double-image distance meter, русский