
Новости переводов

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

22 ноября, 2023

Proofreading of English text

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Computer science

Глоссарий по кибернетике
  1. The study of the use, design and constructions of (largely digital) computers. computer science heavily relies on mathematical (->mathematics) and engineering insights. in spite of its mathematically sophisticated, academically demanding, and economically profitable appearance, its body of generally acceptable fundamental laws or principles, is small. a more appropriate name for this "state of the art"-like body of knowledge would be computer technology.

  2. A) the study of process, data and computation. b) a very cool profession. (no bias here. ;-) ).

Computability, английский

Computable, английский
    Вычислимый; исчислимый

Computable function, английский
    Вычислимая функция

Computare, латинский

Computare [1], латинский

Computare, 1, латинский

Computarization, английский
    Компьютеризация; применение вычислительной техники

Computatio [onis, f], латинский

Computatio, onis, f, латинский

Computation, английский
  1. Вычисление; расчет сомртм`т compartment помещение; отсек

  2. Вычисление

  3. Вычисление, расчёт о to

  4. The process of computing

  5. Исчисление

Computation and data processing center, английский
    Центр вычислений и обработки данных

Computation center, английский
    Вычислительный центр

Computation demand, английский

Computation graph, английский
    Вычислительный граф; граф вычислений computation-intensive требующий большого объема вычислений

Computation load, английский
    Вычислительная нагрузка

Computation procedure, английский
    Вычислительный метод (обработка данных)

Computation procedure of three dimensional position fix error, английский

Computation redundancy, английский
    Избыточность вычислений

Computation speed, английский
    Скорость вычислений

Computation time, английский
    Время вычисления

Computation-bound, английский
    Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a situation in which the performance of a computer is limited by the number of arithmetic operations the microprocessor must perform. when a system is computation-bound, the microprocessor is overloaded with calculations.

Mathematical, английский
  1. Analyzer, numerical integrator and computer эвм «маньяк»

  2. Математический

Mathematics, английский
  1. The science which treats of every kind of quantity that can be numbered or measured.

  2. Математика

  3. Originally, the science of number and quantity. but with the birth pf numerous more qualitative formalisms, (e.g., logic, propositional calculi, set theory), with the emergence of the unifying idea of a mathematical structure, with the advent of the axiomatic method emphasising inference, proof and the descriptions of complex systems in terms of simple axioms, and, finally, with self-reflective efforts such as meta-mathematics, mathematics has become the autonomous (->autonomy) science of formal constructions. emphasising its formal character and its applicability to all conceivable worlds, mathematics has been likened to a language whose semantics is supplied by other sciences or by particular applications. although all constructions are inventions of the human mind, cannot be found in nature and have no necessary connection with the world outside mathematics, they nevertheless arise in conjunction with solving certain kinds of problems:(1) real world problems, (e.g., geometry evolved in efforts of measuring the earth, game theory grew out of concerns for social conflict resolution, statistics from the need to test hypotheses on large numbers of observations, recursive function theory from the desire for efficient algorithms,) (2) intellectual curiosity and playfulness, (e.g., markov chain theory stems from interest in poetry, probability theory from games of chance, the four-color problem, symmetry and much of topology (see the mobiusband) from`interest in artistic expression), and (3) interest in the powers and limitations of ma thema tics and the mind, (e. g., goedel` s incompleteness theorem from the inherent undecidability or incompleteness of systems, the theory of logical types from disturbing paradoxes, the differential and integral calculi from efforts to transcend the smallest distinctions practically possible). ,however, it is a characteristic of mathematics that the problems giving rise to its constructions are soon forgotten and the constructions develop a life of their own, checked only by such validity criteria as internal consistency, decidability and completeness. empirical data from an existing world do not threaten the products of mathematics. 48 matrix; a many-dimensional arrangement of numbers suitable to various transformations which form the basis of matrix algebra. a one-dimensional matrix is called a scalar. most frequent are two-dimensional, n-by-m, matrices which might contain the coefficients (->parameter) of a set of linear equations or specify a mapping from an n-dimensional to a m-dimensional vector space (->hyperspace).

Engineering, английский
  1. Инжиниринг. техническая разработка проектов, составление смет, иногда также включает финансовое и экологическое обоснование проектов. так же деятельность по оказанию услуг в этой области

  2. Техника, инженерное дело

  3. Машиностроение; техника

  4. Американское сантехническое общество

  5. Инжиниринг. техническая разработка проектов, составление смет, иногда также включает в себя финансовое и экологическое обоснова- ние проектов. также деятельность по оказанию услуг в этой области.

  6. Инженерия

Sophisticated, английский
  1. Сложный

  2. A 1 лит. измененный, переработанный, не подлинный; 2 обманчи- вый, фальсифицированный

Profitable, английский

Appearance, английский
  1. Manifestation of the nature of objects and materials through visual attributes such as size, shape, color, texture, glossiness, transparency, opacity, etc.

  2. Going to court. or a legal paper that says you will participate in the court process

  3. The first making of a land-fall: formerly astronomically used for phenomenon and phase. the day of an officer`s first joining a ship after his being appointed.

  4. Внешний вид ~ of finished concrete внешний вид отделанной бетонной поверхности ~ of fracture вид излома, форма излома ~ of naturally weathered surface внешний вид выветренной поверхности

  5. Изменение внешнего вида (конструкции); ~ in sign перемена знака (напр, силы); ~s in the work изменения проекта (в стадии строительства по решению заказчика) air ~ воздухообмен (по наружному воздуху) air ~s per hour кратность воздухообмена (по наружному воздуху)

  6. Явка (в суд)

Acceptable, английский

Fundamental, английский
  1. A основной; ко- ренной; базисный, главный, существенный frequency fusing a использующий фузию

  2. The lowest frequency in a complex sound wave.

Appropriate, английский
    Подходящий; соответствующий

Technology, английский
  1. The use of tools and knowledge to meet human needs.

  2. Техника; технология

  3. Техника (означает все знания или неотъемлемую часть знаний о: научных принципах или открытиях; промышленных процессах; материальных и энергетических ресурсах; средствах транспорта и связи, постольку, поскольку эти знания непосредственно касаются развития производства товаров или сферы услуг; документы юнеско)

  4. N технология speech recognition ~ технология распознава- ния речи3

  5. Национальный институт стандартов и технологии

  6. Технология

  7. The body of knowledge about, and the systematic study of, methods, techniques and hardware applied in the adaptation of the physical environment to man`s needs and wants. the application of scientific knowledge to build or improve the infrastructure of agriculture, industry government and daily life. (technology must not be confused with the very infrastructure it generates). technology has autocatalytic properties. it favores the use of technical devices and processes even in solving social problems, e.g., by using fertilizers to enhance agricultural production rather than a different form of work organization, by using computers for national planning rather than decentralized decision making processes.

  8. The practical application of knowledge to achieve particular tasks that employs both technical artefacts (hardware, equipment) and (social) information (‘software’, know-how for production and use of artefacts). supply push aims at developing specifi c technologies through support for research, development and demonstration. demand pull is the practice of creating market and other incentives to induce the introduction of particular sets of technologies (e.g., low-carbon technologies through carbon pricing) or single technologies (e.g., through technology-specifi c feed-in tariffs).

Profession, английский
  1. Профессия

  2. 1. a type of job for which special training is needed 2. all people working in a specialised type of employment for which they have been trained  they are both doctors by profession.

Economical, английский

Combinatorics, английский
    That branch of mathematics concerned with the variety of combinations of elements that are possible within given constraints including the number of selections, permutations, arrangements, patterns, and organizations a system is capable of. combinatorics is central to statistics and information theory (->combinatorial explosion).

Conservation lak, английский
    A principle of great importance in a variety of scientific constructs. in the physics of closed systems, energy neither increases nor decreases as the system evolves (->first law of thermodynamics). no known case has contradicted this law. energy merely changes its form and usability with all quantities always summing to a fixed total. in information theory the total amount of information transmitted within a system is a similar constant. it can be decomposed in numerous ways leaving no quantity unaccounted for. conserved quantities are also called invariants and the conceptualization of quantities such that a conservation law remains true usually leads to powerful theories or accounting algebras.