
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Internal valuation

Глоссарий по инвестициям
    Internal valuation is a valuation carried out by a valuer who is employed by either the entity that owns the assets or a related company or manager. an internal valuer is generally capable of meeting all the requirements of independence and professional objectivity, but for reasons of public presentation and regulation may not always be acceptable to fill the role of an external independent valuer.

Internal, английский
  1. Внутренний

  2. Interno

  3. A внутренний (ант. external) change, class, grammar, juncture, pause, reconstruction, representation, structure internalized a усвоенный (ант. externalized) language

Internal, английский

Internal (diameter) tool, английский
    Иснмс.т ртуакмжеен т iдdл яt oвoнlу тренней обработки

Internal (within the country), английский

Internal .absorption factor, английский

Internal .absoxptance, английский

Internal abend, английский
    Внутренний аварийный останов; аварийный останов по внутренним причинам internal action внутреннее воздействие internal addressвнутренний адрес internal alphabet внутренний алфавит internal application errorвнутренняя ошибка приложения internal arithmetic внутренняя арифметика

Internal air chamber, английский

Internal audit, английский
  1. Analyzing business processes, procedures & activities to help a company or organization achieve their stated goals & objectives. the process includes highlighting organizational problems & recommending solutions.

  2. Внутренний аудит.

  3. Внутренний аудит. аудит (см. audit), выполняемый сотрудниками той же фармацевтической компании или контрактной исследовательской организации, которая проводит данное клиническое исследование. эти сотрудники не должны быть непосредственно вовлечены в проверяемое исследование (не могут быть мониторами, руководителями проекта и т.д.).

  4. Внутренний контроль

Internal audit department, английский
    Ревизионный отдел

Internal audit management software, английский
    Software used to manage the , internal audit process

Internal audit software, английский
    Internal audit management software.

Internal audit solutions, английский
    Internal audit software.

Internal auditing, английский

Internal auditor, английский
  1. Внутренний аудитор. см. audit (аудит).

  2. Заведующий ревизионным отделом (компании)

Internal auditory meatus, английский
    A channel which takes the auditory nerve through the temporal bone

Internal ballast, английский
    Внутренний балласт

Internal benchmarking, английский

Internal bleeding, английский
    Loss of blood inside the body, e.g. from a wound in the intestine

Internal block, английский
    Вложенный блок internal buffer внутренний буфер; внутренняя память internal call внутренний звонок (в телефонии) internal clockingвнутренняя синхронизация internal code внутренний код

Internal blocking, английский

Requirements, английский

Independence, английский
  1. Г. индепенденс {шт. канзас, сша)

  2. Независимость

  3. In probabilistic expert systems, an attribute x is independent of another attribute y given a set of attributes w

  4. Self-suficiency concerning information. independent systems are closed to information. variation outside the boundaries of independent systems do not affect the variation within. there is no input. in statistics, two variables are independent if the coocurance of their values is mere chance, e.g., zero correlation. in logic and set theory, two variables are independent if the relation between them is the mere cartesian product of two properties. two individuals are independent if each does what he wants to do, neither having to consider the behavior of the other. a clock is designed to be independent of variation in temperature, geographical location including gravity while it is correlated with other clocks and communicating its output states to an observer. independent systems maybe a source but not the receiver of communication (->closed system, ->closure). .

Professional, английский
    The definition varies among associations but most term professional the following activities of a person over eighteen: being paid for riding, driving, or showing at halter; for training or boarding; for instructing; for conducting seminars or clinics; in some situations for being employed as a groom or farrier; for use of name or photo in connection with advertisement; for accepting prize money in classes.

Objectivity, английский

Presentation, английский
  1. The way in which a baby will be born, in respect of the part of the baby’s body which will appear first in the vaginal channel

  2. Представление; воспроизведение; презентация

  3. A set of slides that are imported or created for display in a meeting.

  4. Выставление

  5. The method used to show ultrasonic wave information. may include a, b, or c scans displayed either on various types of recorders or cathode ray instrumentations.

  6. Technique used to show ultrasonic information. this may include a-scans, b-scans or c-scans, displayed on various types of recorders or display instruments.7,21 primary reference response level: ultrasonic response from the basic reference reflector at the specified sound path distance, electronically adjusted to a specified percentage of full screen height.7

  7. A collection of slides that are intended to be viewed by an audience.

Regulation, английский
  1. A rule or order prescribed for management or government

  2. Регулирование

  3. Регулирование, правило, постановление

  4. Any rule prescribing permitted or forbidden conduct, whether established by legislation or the action of an administrative agency; also

  5. The act of regulating  the regulation of the body’s temperature

  6. Any systematic (rule-like or determinate) behavior of one part of a system that tends to restrict the fluctuations in behavior of another part of that system. while both parts must lie in the same feedback loop, regulation involves this basic asymmetry

  7. The process whereby the designated government authority provides oversight and establishes rules for firms in an industry. regulation places constraints on behavior, establishes good (or bad) incentives, and addresses issues that are politically contentious. decisions are implemented through a rule or order issued by an executive authority or regulatory agency of a government and having the force of law.

  8. Норма

  9. A rule or order issued by governmental executive authorities or regulatory agencies and having the force of law. regulations implement policies and are mostly specifi c for particular groups of people, legal entities or targeted activities. regulation is also the act of designing and imposing rules or orders. informational, transactional, administrative and political constraints in practice limit the regulator’s capability for implementing preferred policies.

  10. The order in which trains are run in practice so as to minimise delay

Acceptable, английский

Independent, английский
  1. One who logs and sells his output on the open market; not associated with a mill or under company or dealer contract (19).

  2. Независимый; автономный

  3. Независимый, автономный

  4. Независимый, самостоятельный; рантье (лицо, живущее на доходы от капитала)

  5. Независимый

  6. A независимый

  7. A merchant ship under naval control, but sailing alone and unescorted by any warship.

Requirement, английский
  1. Требование

  2. Something which is necessary  one of the requirements of the position is a qualification in pharmacy. res abbr reticuloendothelial system

  3. Требование; спрос; потребность; условие ~ of continuity требование (обеспече- 469 requirement ния) неразрывности [неразрезность сплошности] ~s of structural safety требования техники безопасности в строительстве

International valuation standards council (ivsc), английский
    An independent, not-for-profit organisation that produces and implements universally accepted standards for the valuation of assets across the world in the public interest. see www.ivsc.org/.

Internal ratings-based approach (irb), английский
    A method of calculating regulatory capital requirements based on an institution's own internal assessment.