
Новости переводов

18 апреля, 2024

Вариации английского языка в разных странах мира. Часть 4

18 апреля, 2024

Редактирование текста с целью его улучшения

18 апреля, 2024

На сайт бюро переводов добавлен глоссарий химических терминов

17 апреля, 2024

Отличия транскреации от традиционного перевода

15 апреля, 2024

Локализация пользовательского опыта и интерфейса сайта

11 апреля, 2024

Процесс локализации веб-сайта на WordPress

09 апреля, 2024

Маркетинг веб-сайта, переведенного на английский язык

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Информационные технологии (словарь)

    Cycle, английский
    1. The sequence of operations in a process to complete one set of parts. the cycle is taken at a point in the operation and ends when this point again starts.

    2. Complete set of operations or tasks that is repeated (20).

    3. One complete sequence of variations in an alternating current. the number of cycles occurring in one second is called the frequency.

    4. The number of times per second, measured in hertz (hz), that a conductor carrying a.c. returns to the same frequency; generally 60hz cycle a.c. is supplied.

    5. (price) - повторение конвигурации движения цен через какие-то промежутки времени;

    6. A single complete operation consisting of progressive phases starting and ending at the neutral position.

    7. Цикл

    8. A series of events which recur regularly

    9. A term generally applied to an interval of time in which the same phenomena recur.

    10. [1] the time interval in which a series of events or phenomena is completed, and then repeats, uniformly and continually in the same order. [2] a periodical space of time marked by the recurrence of something peculiar; as the cycle of the seasons or year.

    11. Цикл, период; круг о ~ per

    12. The discharge and subsequent charge of a battery.

    13. Biogeochemical cycles on a global and local scale. carbon c.: the global flow of carbon atoms from plants through animals to the atmosphere, soil, water and back to plants. co2 level increased significantly over the last 200 years, mainly through burning of fossil fuels, exploitation of tropical forests aggravate this trend (see greenhouse effect). nitrogen c.: the cycling of nitrogen between organisms and the earth. deforestation and land clearance leads to a substantial increase in n and no2- loss in the atmosphere. n-rich fertilizers find its way as run-offs into oceans and lakes - eutrophication. nh3, as atmospheric pollutant from livestock farms change flatlands in other geographical areas by enriching the net n equation favoring organisms not found there so far. nox- emissions from combustion processes aggravate the already stressed atmospheric n-balance. phosphorus c.: the cycling of phosphorus between organisms and soil, rocks, or water. open, sedimentary cycle; mineral p tends to be carried from land to the oceans (e.g. by fishing) or is mined from mineral storage sites and will be added to the global cycle later on. much of it is agricultural runoff; deforestation and erosion contribute as well, together lead to eutrophication. sulfur c.: plants usually absorb ionic sulfur (so4 2-) and animals recycle the element, releasing it back into the soil in urine and feces. bacterial decomposition of wastes releases hydrogen sulfide (h2s). h2s may in turn enter the atmosphere, forming sulfur dioxide (so2), or it may enter the soil or water, where various groups of bacterial convert it to sulfates. in addition to volcanic activities, anaerobic respiration and human aggregation along with combustion processes, locally increase so2 levels rendering rain more acid, and effecting ph-levels in hydrospheric ecosystems. water c.: evaporation from the oceans precipitates on land. burning of fossil fuel increases greenhouse gas emission, which in turn rises humidity levels within the atmosphere; cooling towers in power plants contribute this as well.

    14. A smartart graphic layout type that includes layouts designed to show a continual process.

    15. Группировка счетов (в бухгалтерском учете банков)

    16. (1) interval of time during which a procedure occurs. for example, a demagnetization cycle. (2) a single complete period of a waveform or other variable. d d* (detectivity star): in infrared and thermal testing, sensitivity figure of merit of an infrared detector. detectivity is expressed inversely so that higher d*s indicate better performance. d* is taken at specific test conditions of chopping frequency and information bandwidth and displayed as a function of spectral wavelength. d* is the detectivity scaled to the unit sensitive detection area, with detectivity corresponding to the inverse of the noise equivalent flow.

    17. Single period of a waveform or other variable.4 d

    Loop, английский
    1. See balloon loop; crossing loop; passing loop; refuge loop

    2. Петля. вращение в воздухе на 360 град. - вперед, назад или вбок.

    3. Повторение группы сегментов в наборе транзакции.

    4. Замкнутый цикл; петля (часть сетевого графика, содержащая путь, начинающийся и заканчивающийся в одном и том же событии) 22 м

    5. 1. a curve or bend in a line, especially one of the particular curves in a fingerprint 2. a curved piece of wire placed in the uterus to prevent contraception

    6. Lazo // presilla, anilla, abrazadera

    7. N петля phonological ~ фонологическая петля5

    8. Петля(и), дуга(и); иногда — крючковая арка

    9. Рым

    10. A bight or bend. the winding of a river.

    11. A line, rope, cord, thread, etc. that has curved and doubled over itself leaving a circular opening.

    12. A siding with a connection to the running line at each end, used to enable a locomotive to run round a train or to allow a slower train to be overtaken by a faster train.

    Period, английский
    1. Период

    2. 1. a length of time  the patient regained consciousness after a short period of time.  she is allowed out of bed for two periods each day. 2. menstruation or the menses, bleeding from the uterus which occurs in a woman each month when the lining of the uterus is shed because no fertilised egg is present  she always has heavy periods.  some women experience abdominal pain during their periods.  she has bleeding between periods.

    3. N период (в т.ч. большое слож- ное законченное предложение ); пауза в кон- це периода; точка (в конце периода, части текста ; см. тж. full stop) critical ~ критический период4 ~ ~ hypothesis гипотеза критического пе- риода5

    4. Период; интервал; цикл || периодический ~ of vibration период механических колебаний [вибраций]

    5. The interval of geologic time (geochronologic unit) during which the rocks of the corresponding system (chronostratigraphic unit) were formed (see section 9.c.5.a and table 3). phase. a term used with numerous, diverse, and often vague stratigraphic meanings; best avoided in stratigraphic nomenclature (see weller, 1958, p. 619-620, 633).

    6. Menstrual flow, an instance of menstruation.

    7. Value of the minimum duration after which the same characteristics of a periodic waveform or a periodic feature repeat.

    8. Absolute value of the minimum interval after which the same characteristics of a periodic waveform or a periodic feature repeat.4

    9. Value of the minimum duration after which the same characteristics of a periodic waveform or a periodic feature repeat.10 562 ultrasonic testing

    10. A 28 day period, as defined by network rail. there are 13 periods in a calendar year

    Circular reference, английский
      A situation in which one object refers back to itself, either directly or indirectly.

    Цикл обработки сообщений;, русский