
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Partial dependency

Глоссарий по вычислительной технике
    Частичная зависимость

Dependency, английский
  1. Зависимость

  2. A subsidiary building near or adjoining a principal structure.

  3. N зависимость grammar 2 производное от имени существительного или прилагательного. 3 согласный звук, являющийся зубным по месту образования. dependent 36 dialect

  4. Зависимость; взаимосвязь; взаимозависимость dependency-directed backtracking откат с учетом зависимостей

  5. A directed relationship between two objects, such as components, objects, or features. for example, if feature a depends on feature b, b is a dependency of a.

Dependency and support, английский
    Зависимость и поддержка

Dependency court, английский
    The division of the juvenile court hearing cases of child abuse and neglect

Dependency grammar, английский
    Грамматика зависимостей

Dependency graph, английский
    A code map to visualizes direct relationships across code and shows how the code fits together without reading through files and lines of code.

Dependency matrix, английский
    Матрица зависимостей

Dependency models, английский
    A statistical technique used in data mining and similar areas to describe the interrelationships between a set of measurements. unlike regression techniques, which treat one group of variables (the dependent or output variables) differently from another set (the independent or input variables), dependency modeling tends to treat all variables as being interrelated, although the methods does support directed relationships. the models can be thought of on two levels, a structural model and a quantitative model. at the structural level, the model specifies which variables are directly or locally interrelated with one another, often via a dependency graph (as illustrated below) or by a transition matrix. at the quantitative level a numeric value is assigned to each of the linkages allowed in the structural model. one such measure for a pair of continuous measurements might be partial correlation between the two variables, given all the other variables. the structural graph shown in figure d.2 illustrates the relationships among five variables: a, b, c, d, and e. in this example, the variable c is affected by all the remaining variables. variables a and b are related to each other and to c, but conditional on controlling c are unaffected by d and e. similarly, d and e are related to each other and to c, but,

Dependency property, английский
    In windows presentation foundation and silverlight, a property represented by a dependencyproperty identifier that is registered with the property system. dependency properties can be defined only by dependencyobject types, which typically expose the identifier as a public static field. the property system determines their effective value based on a precedence evaluation of all possible value sources.

Dependency ratio, английский

Dependency status, английский
    Отношение иждивенца к главе семьи

Dependency tree, английский
    A diagram for visualizing the dependency relationships between resources.

Dependency walker, английский
    Иллюстратор зависимостей

Partial, английский
  1. A частичный assimilation, complementation, overlap, overlapping, translation

  2. Частичный; частный

  3. A line of code that was partially executed by a test.

  4. Used in the context of general equities. trade whose size is only part of the total customer indication/order, usually made to avoid a compromise in price and also to get some business instead of losing the customers inquiry/order to a competitor.

Partial, английский

Partial acceptance, английский
    Неполный акцепт

Partial address, английский
    Отдельный адрес

Partial adjudication, английский
    Частичное решение

Partial amnesia, английский
    An inability to remember specific facts, such as names of people

Partial answer, английский
    Частный ответ

Partial assignment, английский
    Частичная переуступка прав (по патенту)

Partial autocorrelation function, английский

Зависимость, русский
  1. Зависимость , неволя, рабство , находиться в зависимости

  2. От лекарственных препаратов или наркотиков. бывает физиологической, если сам организм нуждается в данном веществе для нормального (скорее, привычного) функционирования, или психологической, если эта потребность – аффективной природы.

  3. – см. функция, отношение.

  4. Dependency

Partial packet discard, английский
    Частичная отмена передачи пакета

Partial automatization, английский
    Частичная автоматизация