
Новости переводов

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

22 ноября, 2023

Proofreading of English text

20 ноября, 2023

Chatbot machine learning language service

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Глоссарий по криптовалютам и блокчейну
  1. Is a cryptocurrency that runs on a (1) global peer to peer network, is (2) decentralised (no single entity can control it), it’s (3) open source (wallet & transaction verification), (4) bypassing middlemen or central authority, with (5) no issuer or acquirer, (6) anyone with a computer or smartphone can use it

  2. A decentralized peer-to-peer online payment system with completely digital currency, called bitcoins. from a user perspective, bitcoin is a mobile app or computer program that provides a personal bitcoin wallet that allows them to send and receive bitcoins for purchases and payments.

  3. A digital currency that uses bitcoin. bitcoin

  4. A cryptocurrency first proposed by satoshi nakamoto in 2008. bitcoin uses a specific technology called blockchain which prevents the double spending of any bitcoin and allows for unprecedented security. there are currently thousands of cryptocurrencies and tokens based on blockchain technology.

Cryptocurrency, английский
    A form of digital currency based on mathematics, where encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds. furthermore, cryptocurrencies operate independently of a central bank.

Transaction, английский
  1. Любое событие в результате которого происходит изменение финансовой позиции организации в ходе её обычной работы. примером транзакции является осуществление покупки с помощью кредитной карты.

  2. (транзакция) соглашение между покупателем и продавцом, для продажи актива;

  3. Операция открытия/закрытия позиции.

  4. Экономическая операция (в снс; элементарный акт хозяйственной деятельности, совершаемый между хозяйственными единицами: производство, капиталовложения, потребление и др.; операции могут быть односторонними и двусторонними, капитальными и текущими, товарными и нетоварными, фактическими и условными, расчетными)

  5. A transaction is a digitally signed message authorizing some particular action associated with the blockchain. in a currency, the dominant transaction type is sending currency units or tokens to someone else; in other systems actions like registering domain names, making and fulfilling trade offers and entering into contracts are also valid transaction types.

  6. A data manipulation action processed by a database.

  7. A physical economic exchange action.

  8. A social economic exchange action.

  9. An event or condition that is recorded in asset, liability, expense, revenue, and/or equity accounts. sales to customers or purchases from vendors are examples of transactions.

  10. The pairing of two or more actions that are performed together as a single action; the action succeeds or fails as a whole.

  11. The posting or registration of a change on a document or a journal line.

  12. The delivery of a security by a seller and its acceptance by the buyer.

  13. Операция

  14. Language use to achieve ends rather than maintain social relationships.

  15. Information that entrance transfers to another computer system, either directly (via dll or other interface) or by saving it in a transfer file.

Verification, английский
  1. Testing and evaluation of an item of equipment or a system to assure compliance with its specification or other requirements.

  2. An oral or written statement, usually made under oath, saying that something is true

  3. The confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled. [clsi]

  4. Проверка, контроль

  5. Проверка, подтверждение

  6. Верификация

  7. Проверка

  8. Проверка; подтверждение; контроль

  9. The process of determining whether an implementation is in conformance with some specific standard(s) and/or specification(s). (ieee)

  10. A part of the compilation process in which code is checked for conformance to a specific set of rules defined to allow proof of certain security requirements. the common language runtime can verify common intermediate language (cil).

  11. The process in which a developer tests an app to make sure it meets app requirements.

  12. Сверка

  13. To check for discrepancies between a standard and the unit and to adjust the device so that readings fall within tolerance limits. compare calibration.

Smartphone, английский
  1. A computer in a cellphone. as well as a phone, typically it will include both stills and movie cameras, music player, enough computing power to run sophisticated programs such as office sofware and games, satellite navigation, and gigabytes of storage. the most famous is apple’s- iphone, but all the major manufacturers make them and they are where the it industry is mostly focussed at the moment. some think that they will completely replace most personal computers.

  2. A wireless, mobile device that combines platform software, a browser, a modern chipset, and a telephone handset.

Decentralized, английский

Completely, английский
    Вполне; полностью; совершенно

Perspective, английский
  1. A point of view or standpoint from which historical events, problems and issues can be analysed, eg a gender perspective (either masculine or feminine) on the past

  2. N перспектива sentence ~ сила (перспектива) предложения functional ~ ~ актуальное членение пред- ложения; коммуникативная (информаци- онная) структура предложения, тема- рематическая структура

  3. The old term for a hand telescope. also, the science by which objects are delineated according to their natural appearance and situation.

  4. Перспектива

  5. A user-defined subset of a cube, whereas a view is a user-defined subset of tables and columns in a relational database.

Technology, английский
  1. The use of tools and knowledge to meet human needs.

  2. Техника; технология

  3. Техника (означает все знания или неотъемлемую часть знаний о: научных принципах или открытиях; промышленных процессах; материальных и энергетических ресурсах; средствах транспорта и связи, постольку, поскольку эти знания непосредственно касаются развития производства товаров или сферы услуг; документы юнеско)

  4. N технология speech recognition ~ технология распознава- ния речи3

  5. Национальный институт стандартов и технологии

  6. Технология

  7. The body of knowledge about, and the systematic study of, methods, techniques and hardware applied in the adaptation of the physical environment to man`s needs and wants. the application of scientific knowledge to build or improve the infrastructure of agriculture, industry government and daily life. (technology must not be confused with the very infrastructure it generates). technology has autocatalytic properties. it favores the use of technical devices and processes even in solving social problems, e.g., by using fertilizers to enhance agricultural production rather than a different form of work organization, by using computers for national planning rather than decentralized decision making processes.

  8. The practical application of knowledge to achieve particular tasks that employs both technical artefacts (hardware, equipment) and (social) information (‘software’, know-how for production and use of artefacts). supply push aims at developing specifi c technologies through support for research, development and demonstration. demand pull is the practice of creating market and other incentives to induce the introduction of particular sets of technologies (e.g., low-carbon technologies through carbon pricing) or single technologies (e.g., through technology-specifi c feed-in tariffs).

Blockchain, английский
  1. A blockchain is a type of distributed ledger, comprised of unchangable, digitally recorded data in packages called blocks (rather like collating them on to a single sheet of paper). each block is then ‘chained’ to the next block, using a cryptographic signature. this allows block chains to be used like a ledger, which can be shared and accessed by anyone with the appropriate permissions.

  2. Shared, trusted, public ledger of transactions, that everyone can inspect but which no single user controls. it is a cryptographed, secure, tamper resistant distributed database. it solves a complex mathematical problem to exist. a blockchain is a perfect place to store value, identities, agreements, property rights, credentials, etc. once you put something like a bitcoin into it, it will stay there forever. it is decentralized, disintermediated, cheap and censorship resistant. applications of blockchain: bitcoin (cryptocurrency), namecoin (wants to replace the entire dns system of the internet), or sia (a decentralized cloud storage), ethereum (turing complete virtual machine where you can run any smart contract); any centralized service like ebay, dropbox can potentially be built in a decentralized way using blockchain technology, considerably lowering transaction costs

  3. Think of blockchain as a database or a spreadsheet. but a really special spreadsheet. there`s no centralized master copy. instead, it`s shared on many computers. it`s special because you can only add to it. there`s no editing of history. the database is divided into chronological sub-sheets. these are the blocks. the last line of any block summarizes all of the data in the block, and ч and this is pretty important ч appears as the first line of the next block. if anyone tries to edit a block, the last line will change and will not match the first line of the next block. the network sees this corrupted block and immediately replaces it. this ingenious trick makes it futile to rewrite history and guarantees an unprecedented degree of security. blockchain was invented by haber and stornetta in 1991 but made famous in the satoshi nakamoto`s bitcoin paper.

Unprecedented, английский

Sha (secure hash algorithm), английский
    Is a family of cryptographic hash functions published by the national institute of standards and technology (nist) as a u.s. federal information processing standard (fips). sha256 is an algorithm used in bitcoin that takes an input of any size which can be any form of data(text, jpeg, pdf, etc.), mixes it up and creates a fixed size output(a hash) which is 256-bit (32-byte) long . you can think of the hash as the fingerprint of the data. hashes are one-way functions – they cannot be decrypted back. the only way to decrypt a hash is by brute forcing it. brute force means to systematically try all the combinations for an input. brute force attack will always find the input, no matter its complexity. the downside is whether or not you will still be alive when it finally guesses it

Daos (decentralized autonomous organization), английский
    Fully automated business entity (fab), or distributed autonomous corporation/company (dac) is a decentralized network of narrow-ai autonomous agents which perform an output-maximizing production function and which divides its labor into computationally intractable tasks (which it incentivizes humans to do) and tasks which it performs itself. it can be thought of as a corporation run without any human involvement under the control of an incorruptible set of business rules. these rules are typically implemented as publicly auditable open-source software distributed across the computers of their stakeholders. a human becomes a stakeholder by buying stock in the company or being paid in that stock to provide services for the company. this stock may entitle its owner to a share of the profits of the dao, participation in its growth, and/or a say in how it is run…